Maintaining Safe and Inviting Neighborhoods
Kim has a plan to address crime in District 4. Read how she plans to maintain safe and inviting neighborhoods.

Increasing APD
Workforce Housing
When police officers are residents in the neighborhoods they serve, they are able to foster better relationships with residents. Studies show that relationship building helps to decrease excessive force and racial profiling cases.
Better Lighting for
Our Streets
There has been “a historic underinvestment in streetlights” on our side of town. Simply getting adequate lighting in our communities can decrease crime by as much as 20 percent.

Activate Street Cameras for Crime Monitoring
We have crime cameras that aren’t integrated with 911 or the main public safety network. The whole point of the cameras is to help deter crime or identify the people committing crimes. Let's get the cameras connected.
Strengthen Code Enforcement
Lack of code enforcement (overgrown grass, trash everywhere, illegal dumping, speeding in the neighborhood, vacant and abandoned properties) are major contributors to unsafe neighborhoods. We need to make code enforcement work for and be responsive to District 4.

Implementing Safer and
Accessible Sidewalks
Our children, seniors and families deserve safe, sidewalk-driven paths to school, parks, to MARTA or the supermarket. District 4 received $5 million dollars for sidewalk repairs, yet to date less than 10% of that has been allocated to our communities.
Community Policing Alongside Community Building
Relationships and connectedness are crucial for thriving communities. We need to build coalitions and allocate resources for a coordinated safety plan for District 4 that includes communities, businesses, AUC, GSU, and adjacent Metro Atlanta Cities and counties.